Kieun Song


A sense of calm, playfulness, danger or safety is exuded from this one object that can be seen around the world: the fire hydrant. Although often glossed over, these vessels are very individualistic and have personalities depending on location, wear, color and so on and so forth. To me, they are a symbol of assurance. It is an object that exudes safety and calm while being approachable and child-like. They are a symbol that connects the city or town that is placed in with a unifying goal; to help when it is needed. The hydrants I have chosen are inspired by places that I have been and lived, so these represent a marking of homes and safe havens that have been created through my life. I seek to capture the distinctive nature of these objects and reimagine them into environments as works of art, as I have seen them.

Hydrant Book 


Spoonful of Water

A Tuft World 

Hide-rant Seek [Riddles]


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Hide-rant Seek


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Fired Vessels


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